Our Team

Printed wings in collaboration with Big Image have been doing R&D for several years to find the perfect formula to make many pilot's dream come true. It has taken countless prototypes & tests, huge effort has been put into designing & building these unique machines / ink recipes & software to make this possible without damaging the wing materials. We are proud to announce that we are the only company capable of delivering this service.


Remi Campbell-Jones is our core production manager, making sure your image of choice is optimised with your product. Being brought up in the aviation community, as his father is Mike Campbell - Jones, Remi experienced from a very young age the excitement and potential of soft wing aviation. After finishing his studies in an industrial design school in La Rochelle France, Remi started working for MCJ Soft Wing Aerodynamic Design. A consulting company who specialised in RAM air designs for numerous enterprises on multiple projects, allowing him to gain experience in different international assembly production sites. With this experience, he knows exactly what clients want from this product.  


Lars Lundberg takes care of sales & logistics bringing your ideas and images into reality. Launch to the skies with the wing of your dreams and Lars will take care of your order with minimum delay. Lars has a wealth of experience with many innovative ideas up his sleeve. Originally a mechanical designer working many years as a consultant, learning the trade from the ground up, he is one of the first pioneers in the Nordic countries bringing the sport of paramotoring into Swedish airspace. He loves to paraglide whenever close to a decent mountain. His early involvement with Big Image as a client, for precise manufactured logotypes & artwork, lead to his original idea about Printed Wings.

Big Image was among the first in the world to successfully print large images on flexible material. The company started in 1981 and is today one of the leading companies in Europe producing large image communication. They have the entire world as a canvas and their customers come from both the cultural and the business world, from stage décor for Broadway productions to the world’s largest hot air balloon over Acapulco. 

Big Image is a pioneer in its field and has a mission and focus to develop technology and try out new markets. That’s where Printed Wings & Big Image found each other in the quest to finally crack the ever-lasting puzzle to print on thin nylon wing fabric.